Yardley Florist
Yardley Florist
175 South Main Street
Yardley, PA 19067
You can reach us by telephone at:
215.493.5656 or 1.800.358.7042
Or you can fax us at:
About Us...
Yardley Florist was founded over 90 years ago and is still the premier florist located on Main Street in historic Yardley, Pennsylvania. The town of Yardley is full of prominent and historic homes that reflect it’s rich history. Yardley Florist echoes these traits, and is a place where you can always find something tasteful yet out-of-the-ordinary.
Susan Gorka, the owner of Yardley Florist, travels the world searching for new and interesting trends in flowers and gifts. You can find the perfect something for anyone and everyone here. The staff is simply the best in both knowledge and service. They have years of experience in the floral industry, and this knowledge contributes to the top-quality of both the flowers and designs. If you need to make an impression with a gift or an event, come to us. Give us the go-ahead, and we guarantee to make it unforgettable!
Copyright © 2000-2008
Ye Olde Yardley Florist
