Twin Valley Growers, Inc.
Twin Valley Growers, Inc.
474 Athena Drive
Delmont, Pennsylvania 15626
Welcome To Twin Valley Growers, Inc.
Established in 1964, Twin Valley Growers, Inc. (formerly Twin Valley Greenhouses and Floral, Inc.) is a family business located in southwestern Pennsylvania, owned and operated by H. Milton and Audrey Brinker.
With ten acres of production area, we understand the challenges that face the commercial grower and strive to maintain the highest quality industry standard. Here at Twin Valley Growers, Inc., we specialize in annuals from start to finish.
We are licensed propagators for Danziger© Flower Farms, with the complete line of New Guinea Impatiens and Vegetative Petunias. Also, we are licensed propagators for Oglevee© geraniums. Cuttings are produced from cultured virused-indexed (CVI) stock and are managed with an intensive integrated Pest Management Program.
Commercial Wholesale - We offer a full line of flowering annuals, hanging baskets and flowering potted crops.
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