George's Floral Boutique
George's Floral Boutique
482 East College Avenue
State College, PA 16801
(814) 237-2722
(800) 301-2722
About The Company
Comments overheard in front of our store: "This is a really good florist."
"You know your boyfriend really likes you if he sends you flowers from here."
And from another satisfied bride,
"You put my wedding on the map! People will be talking about my flowers for years!"
What makes comments like these possible?
RESPECT. The driving force behind our company, and the products we choose to offer. We respect who we are and what we do, but ultimately, the respect for our customers is what causes us to set such high standards for ourselves. Standards which we strive to meet everyday, for every customer. We understand that the gift of flowers is an investment in the well being of others. Respect becomes a part of that gift when it bears our name, George's Floral Boutique.
Specialty Services
Large inventory of fresh flowers, including the nicest roses in town. We are very picky about our flowers, and our processing techniques, honed from years of experience, along with the fact that we deliver in temperature controlled vehicles, guarantees a level of quality that others cannot match.
We are a custom shop, if you would like us to create a unique one of a kind, please call us and we will gladly discuss your desires.
Our "Cash and Carry" specials vary seasonally, and are a great way to get our quality flowers at a price that beats even internet "specials". Our cut wrapped bouquets are awesome! We arrange them so that basically all you have to do when you get home is recut the stems and plunk into your vase. In a hurry?, just call ahead and we will have a creatively put together bouquet ready for you to pick up. Our quality + our creativity = maximum enjoyment for you!
Plants and interior plantscaping for home/office. We offer live as well as high quality, realistic artificial plants. We can accomodate any size of project. Our artificial Christmas trees and garlands are incredible! We have decorated traditional as well as modern homes and offices.
We believe in well made products which have a useful service life and, or will become family heirlooms, not attic junk or tomorrow's landfill. There's an old saying, "Never buy something just because it is cheap, for it will never be dear to you" has a lot of wisdom in it. Well made merchandise lasts longer, causing you to buy fewer things over your lifetime. By buying "less", you'll save not only in your pocket book, but you'll help conserve resources.
We invite you to check out our different product offerings, we are very proud of them. Some merchandise offerings are one of a kind, so therefore are continually changing.
We are the areas largest dealer in Christoher Radko since 1993. We offer their core glass, Fantasia, Shiny Brite, Home For the Holidays(cookie jars, table top items, and snowglobes), and Schaller items. People constantly comment on our large selection of Radko product. We start turning the store into a Christmas wonderland every October. The Penn State ornaments are created for our store, at our request.
Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved.
